Senin, 31 Maret 2008

Monday Journal

Hello! Hotty,
in math, we make a few rectangles to make a circle using our compass. This compass is not the compass we use for direction, it is use for making a perfect circle. We make a circle in the rectangles at least 4. After we make it, we paste the circle in an A3 paper. After we paste it nicely, we make the line and circles and names for the circles. That is what we done in math, so bye!

Minggu, 30 Maret 2008

Home Journals

Hi! Hotty,
today, I don't go to Vincent's house because my mother is busy. So, we just went to buy my sister's materials for the homework. I also went to my uncle's house because my mother say so. Today, I don't go to my course because, 
I forgot my bag and it is to late. So, I 
spent my time in my uncle's house watching movies about warriors. Ok, Bye!

Jumat, 28 Maret 2008

Learning Journal

Hello! Hotty,
in English, we will have a new unit when we finish typing our own essay. Our new unit is writing to explain, writing to explain is like a text to explain that something is happening. Our previous unit is writning to recount, persuade and entertain. Writing to recount is, a text that to tell our living. Writing to persuade is to convince people of not doing this. Writing to entertain is, to write exciting poems. That is what I learn, bye!

Rabu, 26 Maret 2008

Learning Journal

Hello! Hotty,
in UOI, we made a mind map for our whole class to learn and understand about observable change. We also give out ideas that come out from the observable change. For example, life cycle, man-made changes, climatic changes, land movement and water movement change and many other observable changes. After we put all the ideas, we went to the computer room to research about our topic that we chose like me, I chose to research about land cracks and fissures. That is all we do in Unit of Inquiry.

Senin, 24 Maret 2008

Sunday Journal

Hello! Hotty,
today, I went to Vincent house to play with him and his brother, I am happy because I can play until 4 hours at his house. We have a lot of fun playing badminton and chess at his computer room. I also install a game and musics to play and hear to. After I went home, my father didn't come back to watch movie with us because he his busy at his office. So, I just watch TV and do my journal. Ok, that is the day of me, bye-bye!

Minggu, 23 Maret 2008

Home Journals

Hi! Hotty,
today, I am so happy because I went to BCS to go for a walk and buy things needed. I also went to a restaurant to eat nyummy food. But before we proceed, I went to my uncle's house to have course on Sunday today. After I take my course, I went home to prepare myself to go to BCS together with my family. That is the story of being busy at the morning. Now, I am not busy because I still can relax but I should do my journal first than playing. That is it, GOODBYE!

Jumat, 21 Maret 2008


Hi! Hotty,
today, I am so tired because I went to Nagoya Hill with my mother to check on my mother's karaoke that is it fine or not. There is somekind of a problem and that is the sofa. The sofa doesn't fit in so we can't do anything but to wait. We wait our father to come to check it to and examine the problems that we occured. We also walk for hours but luckily, my sister and I are playing shooting rubber band to a bottle. Whoever hits the bottle fifteen times, will win. We find the bottle and the rubber band in a room and we came out of that idea on playing that. I am also lucky to win too. After we play, we check it for a while and it is all set. After we check it, we went home to relax and do my homework. That is it for today, see you on Sunday!

Rabu, 19 Maret 2008

Learning Journal

Hello! Hotty,
today, Mr.Perico read us a book about a bat called Stellaluna. Stelllaluna is a bat that separated from her mother by the owl. So, Stellaluna is stuck in a bird nest and live with them. They eat worms, grasshopper and other insects. The bat learn to do what did birds do too. But, sooner or later, the bat can fly and leave the bird nest and the bird family. After the bat left, the bat found her mother and eat more tastier food than the insects. They get the food from trees and they went out at night. They also have good eyes to see at the nighttime. The bat also invite the birds but they can't see so, they just stay at nighttime. The lesson I learn is be friends to anyone. That is it, goodbye!

Senin, 17 Maret 2008

Change Journal

Hello! Hotty,
in UOI, we study about the meaning of physical and chemical change. We found out from Mr.Perico that physical change is the change that can seen the change but, the substent will not change. For example, a water that has been put in the fridge and became ice. But, the ice still can be water if we melt the ice through the sunlight or heatness. Chemical change is, a change that can be seen but, the substent will change unlike physical change. We tried some experiments in the labotary room like, putting brown sugar in the water and the smell changed and the colour changed. It is physical change because the substent not change. That is what I learned for today, bye-bye!

Minggu, 16 Maret 2008

Home Journals

Hello! Hotty,
today, I am a little bit sad because I want to go to BCS but, my father didn't want to go there because he is tired and my mother too. The reason of my mother is it is to crowded because of the competetion. But, I still can play with my cousin because she went to our house to sleep and play with us both. We play until our room is messy and we have to fix our room immediately because of my mother. That is it, goodbye!

Jumat, 14 Maret 2008

Home Journals

Hi! Hotty,
today, I went to the school to get my report card and explain my work through my learning. I was a little bit sad because my goal is to have no 7 but I got one 7. I am dissappointed...... But, my parents is happy about my score so would not be dissappointed again. After I got my report card and explain my work through my learning, I went to Edukits with my father to buy batteries and I buy yoyos. One for me and one for my sister. I also went to eat my breakfast and my breakfast is noodles but, the noodles is different because it is longer than the noodle we eat at home. After we eat our breakfast, we went to my uncle's house because my mother wants to talk with my grandmother and grandfather. After my mother talks with my grandparents, we went home to watch TV and relax for a while before we go to eat Texas. In Texas, we eat chickens and sphagetti for me and my sister. That is it, I want to read now, see you on Sunday!!!

Rabu, 12 Maret 2008

Learning Journal

Hello! Hotty,
at English, we continue with our essay in the microsoft publisher. Before we type our essay in the publisher, we have to type it in the microsoft word to check our spelling and grammar. We also took pictures from the internet and paste it in the publisher. Before we do all of this busy things, we continue with our pre-unit assessment about changes around us. We have to colour it before we past it because Mr.Perico will paste it beside our classroom wall. When we do our pre-unit assessment, we should draw the things that we all know about it and our environments around us. That is it, bye-bye!!!^_^

Senin, 10 Maret 2008


Hi! Hotty,
at UOI, we continue our summative assessment about Riau Islands Province. Mr.Perico also give us a rubric for us to check our summative assessment and an essay to test our knowledge about our province. Essay is not like essay but to test our knowledge. Emm... that's it, goodbye!

Minggu, 09 Maret 2008

Sunday Journal

Hello! Hotty,
today, I am so bored because I don't have things to do and my mother is mad at me because yesterday, I did not obeyed her in the restaurant. But now, my mother is out of her stress. Today, I plan to go to Vincent's house to do our homework together, but, my mother is so tired and I have course so I can't go to Vincent's house today. I played with my cousin's dog when I arrived in my uncle's shop. I played with the dog until my course teacher arrived in my uncle's shop. After I take my course, I wait for my mother while playing with my cousin's dog. After my mother arrived with my dad, we went to eat fish, ray, squid and chicken. Before that, my dad got of from the car and by durians for us to eat at home. After we eat those food, we went home and I do my journal now. My dad will also teach me the math homework because I can't do it alone but some of the questions I can answer it by myself. We will also eat the durians before we sleep at 9 o'clock. It is time my dad to teach me the math homework now, see you on Monday or tomorrow!

Jumat, 07 Maret 2008

Home Journals

Hello! Hotty,
today, it is my grandfather's birthday so we will celebrate it tonight at King Ways Restaurant. My cousins will come too. I am quite happy because I can't bring my PSP to the restaurant because my mother said so. I will go to Nagoya Hill to to buy a ninja set. That's the end of the journal, see yah!!!!!

Rabu, 05 Maret 2008

Learning Journal

Hello! Hotty,
at UOI, Nabilla's uncle went to our classroom to talk about Kepri. He talk about the 4 regencies and 2 cities about their resources. The biggest resources is in Natuna regency. Natuna rich in oil and gas. Batam is rich in industries and tourism. We take notes what he said in our UOI booklet. He can't stay to long because he have to go to Karimun to talk about the tourism with the government. Me too, so goodbye!!^_^

Senin, 03 Maret 2008

Learning Journal

Hi! Hotty,
in English, we went to the computer room to edit our partner blogger and change our msitake in our journal. We also need to type our essay but we don't have time so we can't do our essay. The things I learned in English is to edit in a blogger and some elarned it too. My problem in English is I forgot my blogger account so I can't edit my blogger but at home I check it in Ummm.... I think that is enough, bye!!

Minggu, 02 Maret 2008

Home Journals

Hello! Hotty, today, I don't have any stories again but only one and it is I went to Vincent's house to play. Insan said that he can't come so we play by our own. I put music in my PSP thanks to Vincent. Vincent can put music in the PSP because he have a USB connector to put music. After I put music, I went to my uncle's house and went home again. That is the story, goodbye!!!