Rabu, 30 Januari 2008


Hi! Hotty,
today at English, we are preparing for the argument about pocket money and I am the group of against. Before we present it, yesterday we make the argument in a group and we write 7 ideas. So today, we battle with the other group and the group is for but that is not the real battle that is just only presenting our ideas to the other group and ask questions about their ideas. After we all present it, Mr.Perico gave us a thick question to answer but some of the questions we didn't answer it so Mr.Perico gave us a homework to convince Mr.Perico that we should not earn our own money but some of the students chose we agrre to earn our own money. So we do it at home. Okay Hotty! that is all for today, see you next time!

Senin, 28 Januari 2008

My Favourite Online Diary

Hi! Hotty,
at English, we write a letter to Mr.Ken to be shouldn't cancelling the lunchtime play. The new word that we learn today is persuade and it is mean to suggest or ask someone to do that. Some finished it in a few minutes and some do it in 2 hours. After we write the letter, we are given the photocopy of the information about Kepri and we highlight in the afternoon, we highlight the important information. We learned that there are 4 regencies and 2 cities. The four regencies are Bintan, Karimun, Natuna and Lingga. The two cities are Batam and Tanjung Pinang. We also learned that the province, is bigger than the cities and cities are bigger than the community or village. The question is, why does there are 8 province in the Riau province and the answer is in the map. We have a homework and we have to print the articles or informations about the Kepri that is sent by Mr.Perico through our e-mail. It is time for me to read now, see yah!

Minggu, 27 Januari 2008

Home Journals

Hi! Hotty,
today I have a tiring day because I need to do my homework about the 7 continents in the " Pop-up" book. Before I do my homework, I take a bath and drink water then I write the informations in the " Pop-up" book. When I write halves of it, I went to the internet to do my blogger but the internet is not working so my father call the technical to fix the internet when I continue my homework. After it is fix I try and it is back to normal again. I have to do my now, see yah!

Kamis, 24 Januari 2008

My Favourite Online Diary

Hi! Hotty!
at UOI, we make our pop-up book for our research but some of the students didn't do their homework about the 7 continents or unacceptable. I can do my pop-up book because I do my homework, we make the title first before the information but we talk about jokes and it is to many jokes so we didn't finish our work on time. Okay! I need to research now, see yah!

Rabu, 23 Januari 2008

My Favourite Online Diary

Hello! Hotty,
at math, we have to bring our card that we made but, I did't bring my folder and the cards because I forgot to put it in my bag. But I only bring my math game. So Hazell also didn't bring her card at home so we are partner. When our friends play the cards, Mr.Perico ask us to write 5 problems to our partner so I write to Hazell and she write to me and some of my problems are easy to solve. After our friends are done but few, they introduce their game that they made at home and can't share it because it is time for P.E. Ok! I need to research the 7 continent now, so see you tomorrow!

Senin, 21 Januari 2008

My Online Diary

Hi! Hotty!
is it fun today? Oh! I am sure you have a great time. Today, we have a new unit and it is about our continent itself. at Bahasa Indonesia ad IPS, we also learn about that so it is the same. We know that Batam is in Riau and Singapore is different. We made a map of Riau and the country and I like my unit today. Oh well! I have nothing to say anymore, so, see yah!

Jumat, 18 Januari 2008

My Online Diary

Hello! dear diary or Hotty,
today, we continue with our work and I and Rizqy do the sample that Mr.Perico wants to present it as an example so, we continue it but Rizqy haven't done it yet but I have. I didn't go for break to finnish my work and that is fun and you know why? because I like writing, correct! and that is all for today, bye!

Kamis, 17 Januari 2008

My Online Diary

Hi! Hotty,
do you have any fun today? today, I am so happy because, when I submit my poem this morning about the sun, Mr.Perico read it and said that this is a brilliant poem and I am honest that I made it by myself. The other is, we got a new stationery for semester 2 and we have no homework too but except for reading and blogger. The last one is, we all got a yummy and delicious cocolate. But, I didn't got to many cocolate but it is OK. Oh! it is time to read now, see you tomorrow!

Rabu, 16 Januari 2008

My Online Diary

Dear Hotty,
today, before I went home, I went to BCS because my sister wants to buy a new shoes for the chinese new year but we can't find it so I buy a new ring and necklace for the chinese new year. After that, we went to Top 100 to buy my sister shoes but at last, we find the right pair. Oh my! I have to read now, see yah!

Senin, 14 Januari 2008

My Online Diary

Hello! Hotty,
it is fun being in school today because the after school activity is badminton and I could play it very well but the thing is, I can't hit the ball at the back that is really long. Before we play badminton, we are warming up first so that we could hit the ball stronger and there is lot of fun. Oh! I have to eat now, see you tomorrow!

Jumat, 11 Januari 2008

My Online Diary

Dear Hotty,
In library time, I borrowed these two books and it is The Donkey on the Sands and Pet Birds. I borrowed The Donkey on the Sands because I like the story and there is many stories to read, I borrowed Pet Birds because I like animals and the drawings. Oh well! I have to do my profile now, see you tomorrow!

Kamis, 10 Januari 2008

My Online Diary

Hi! Hotty how are you? This morning, I play internet for three hours and my mother was mad at me to play internet to long and my cousin is here to because yesterday, she went to our house to sleep. But now, it is really a boring and a boring day and I don't like it. At night, we when to BCS but my cousin went home so me, my sister, my mother and my father went to BCS together to install games in my PSP but the computer hasn't fix yet so we ate at Godiva. Oh! it is time to sleep now, goodnight!

Rabu, 09 Januari 2008

My Online Diary

你好吗?, that is mandarin word and it mean's how are you?. OK, OK, I will stop joking and by the way, at lunch, we play monkey and the rule is if someone be the monkey, the rest will throw the ball to the other player and the reminder is, if you throw the ball to a player and the monkey has catch it and the player that throw the ball will be the monkey. When we are playing, I didn't be a monkey because I always be careful to throw the ball to who. Okay now, I have to read now, see yah!

Senin, 07 Januari 2008

My Online Diary

Dear Hotty,
at English, we talk about our holiday at Batam View Hotel and I could hear everyone stories about their holidays. It is break time and we eat at the classroom, after we eat, Mr.Perico has a chart that has a list that what we have to do and we do it but, some of the work is unfinished so we will continue it in UOI period. The unfinished work is the letter to Mr.Perico and the chart about the strenghts, weaknesses and how to improve the conference and it is about the 3-way Conference. OK! that is for today, GOODBYE!

Minggu, 06 Januari 2008

My Holiday

Dear Hotty,
In 25 December, it is my parent's anniversaryday and my parent's went to Pacific Hotel. They slept there for 1 night so I stayed in house with my grandparent's and my cousin. My cousin went to my house because my parent's went out.The next day, My mother an father came back from the hotel then my cousin went home.

IN 31 December, we went to Batam Resort Hotel because we will go to a beach party and to see tha fireworks in Singapore, Before the day to go to the hotel, we buy things that we need to go to the hotel, when we are ready, we prepared our clothes and other things that we buy. To go to the hotel, it is really a long way, when we arrived at the hotel, my father got the key to go in to the room and when we went inside, it is gorgeous inside and I can see
Singapore there!After we rest a while, we went swimming!Yay!Then we went to the 
room to take a bath and after we bath, we
went to the beach partyto eat and see the fireworks but before we eat, my father
gave the tickets to the people and we get 
gift like whistles, little trumpet and 
other things in a party. Then I and my 
father got food to eat but some of the 
food is uncooked and it is so awful.....
After we eat, we saw the fireworks at the sky but it is just a little. OK! I need to fix my books now, see yah!