Jumat, 30 Mei 2008

All My Journals That I Miss

Unit of Inquiry Reflection
I am researching about the rain forest of Amazon in Brazil. My specific topic is facts for Amazon. Some facts are, Amazon Rain forest is the biggest rain forest in the world. My difficulties in completing my research is, some words I can't understand it like, acres. My solution to solve this difficulty is to see in the dictionary. I accomplish in completing my research and I had finalize the summary in a final paper. I need to find picture to finish all my work including the final paper.
Task: Group research on 'Rain forests of the world'
In UOI, we continue in doing our final paper about our research. My research is about the facts of the Amazon Rain forest. We paste our final paper on the wall. After that, we have time to make the title for our group name on the wall. I learn the facts and other information about Amazon when we discuss our information. In the next UOI, we divide a group into a group of facts, climate and temperature, flora and fauna and threats to the rainforest. In our group, we are talking about the facts about all the rainforests in the world. My strength are, I can discuss it with my group clearly. My weaknesses are, I can't figure out that is it important.
Task: Writing a narrative with writing buddy.
In english, we continued in writing a narrative with our classroom buddy. We brainstormed ideas first and then, we will make up a narrative out of the brainstorming. After we wrote the story, we revised the story again by reading it 3 times. After we finished our story in revising, we went to the carpet and Mr.Perico share other narrative from other groups. We gave comments for other groups and Mr.Perico gave feedbacks for the too. The strength in making a narrative is, I can think great ideas. My weakness in making a narrative is, I can't combine too many ideas together.
Learning Log
UOI: In UOI, we divided ourselves into 5 groups. I went to the 3rd group, we summarized the text about climate or temperature. First, we discussed about the text about the climate. After we discuss, we highlighted the important information. We also make a mind map to explain it in the jigsaw. We went to the library to continue our summary. Our accomplishments is that, we finished our mind map and the summary in the library. We didn't finish our final paper in writing the summary because we don't have any time to do the final paper again.
Math: In math, Mr.Perico explained to us what we will do in math today. We should divide ourselves into 2 in a group. The things that we should does in math is, solved the problem steps by steps with our group or our partner. The thing that I learn is that compound units is like 2 units that is combined by 2 units. The accomplishments in our group is to complete the solution for the first problem. We didn't finish in making our own problems with solutions and no solutions.
Jigsaw Activity
After presenting our group topic to other groups, I got feedback from my peers.
According to them, my good points are.....
I explained it really well because I explain the topic well and I stick to my topic.
My presentation are base on facts because I use my own words I the articles.
My research is summarized because I summarized it with my previous group.
According to them, my points for improvement are....
I should make the sentences really sharp because some sentences are not clear for them.
I need to use some understandable sentence because my group mates didn't understand some of my research.
My goals are.....
Explaining more facts about my topic clearly. Understand my topic really well and I should discuss it with my group clearly.
This jigsaw activity is .....
Really useful for others because some people that didn't have any opportunity to present, can have the opportunity to present it in the jigsaw. We can developed our confidence because it is in a small group.
Learning Journal
Math: In math, we learned about about different kinds of measurement like: mm, cm, m and km. MM is smaller than cm. If there is one cm, there is 10 mm. CM is smaller than m and it is bigger than mm. If there is 1 m, there is 100 cm. M is bigger than cm and smaller than km. If there is 1 km, there is 1000 m. Km is bigger than m. We answer word problems about measurement. My good points are I can analyze the word problems clearly when answering word problems. My weak points are I could not measure it clearly.
English: In english, we wrote a story of our own creation. My story is about mystery in other places. My theme is about suspection and skills. My difficulty in writing the narrative is I have to create big and complicated problems for my audience to find out the solution, I have trouble in making that what I like about my story is it is some kind of a real mystery and the adventure is mysterious.
UOI: In UOI, we summarize the text about the impact of the rainforest to the planet earth. I realized that the impact of the rainforest for the planet earth is really big. It gives so much oxygen for life in earth and the needs for living things. I feel that rainforest is really helpful for our earth but we destroyed it all. I want to learn more about the impact of the rainforest when Mr. Perico showed us the power point like: Rainforest can but we have to make it first and I want to know more.
Unit of Inquiry
My difficulties in the assessment on 'Impact of Rainforest' are the following;
I can't think of better ideas.
I have problems in time management.
I think I need to.....
Analyze more about ' Impact of Rainforest'.
I feel that I did well in....
I have lot's of information in my assessment about 'Impact of Rainforest'.

Senin, 12 Mei 2008

My Monday Journal

Hello! Hotty,
today, in UOI, we share our ideas that we got these weekend and discuss it with our group. We can add more to our research or we can extend it to a longer information for us to use is our poster. Our strength in our group when we are discussing our research, we have complete information for our group and, we discuss it nicely. The weakness in our group when we are discussing is, we didn't have much resources to use in our group. We can complete our research by, doing more research in the weekends. That is for today, bye Hotty!

Minggu, 11 Mei 2008

Sunday Journal

My learning log:

UOI Tasks:
-Locating rainforests in the world
-Defining tropical rainforests
I learnt that rainforest is not only found in Asia, it is found also in other continents. I can learnt much because, I hear their explanations about the definition of the rainforest and they explain well. I can show inquirer when I have questions in my mind to ask the presenter. I also showed cooperation when, I work with my group members to idenfify the definition of a rainforest. The definitions are, it is warm, it is rich in plants and animals, it has resources for human use, it is near the equator. That is what I learnt for today activities.
In our activity on identifying geometrical figures, I found it hard in identifying that it is a rhombus or not. I also fount it hard in identifying the different geometrical shapes. The last thing that I am hard of is, to identify the measurement of the angle in the figure. In solving the problems in 18.2, some are partners. To understand it better, I have to review it with someone else, like my parents.