Minggu, 11 Mei 2008

Sunday Journal

My learning log:

UOI Tasks:
-Locating rainforests in the world
-Defining tropical rainforests
I learnt that rainforest is not only found in Asia, it is found also in other continents. I can learnt much because, I hear their explanations about the definition of the rainforest and they explain well. I can show inquirer when I have questions in my mind to ask the presenter. I also showed cooperation when, I work with my group members to idenfify the definition of a rainforest. The definitions are, it is warm, it is rich in plants and animals, it has resources for human use, it is near the equator. That is what I learnt for today activities.
In our activity on identifying geometrical figures, I found it hard in identifying that it is a rhombus or not. I also fount it hard in identifying the different geometrical shapes. The last thing that I am hard of is, to identify the measurement of the angle in the figure. In solving the problems in 18.2, some are partners. To understand it better, I have to review it with someone else, like my parents.

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