Jumat, 25 April 2008

Learning Log

Hello! Hotty,
UOI= In UOI, we had an experiment by group. I chose Rizqy's Group[colour change] because, he had an observable change experiment that can be seen chearly by everyone. The materials that he needed are, toothpicks, food colouring[green], bleach clear plastic glass[aqua] and water. First, he pur a half of water to the lear plastic glass, then add the food colouring[green], and the bleach, it change the colour for a second!
Math= In math, we learnt about symmetry and we continued with this activity, we had a paper that has symblys and alphabets. We had to divide it with the line of symmetry. We only had to divide the alphabets together with our partner. After we devide the alphabets, we check it together with our teacher. The thing that I learnt is,some alphabets can look like be divided by half but, if we compare it together, it is not the same.
English= In english, went to the computer room to continue our persuasive essay about our own topic. I don't have a problem about my persuasive essay becasue, I can fininsh it in time. Before I continue in doing my explanatory text in the publisher about cloning, I find pictures for my persuasive essay. After that, I start to type explanatory text about cloning and I am almost done with it. The things that I learnt is, we could choose designs for the title in the publisher.

Senin, 21 April 2008

Monday Journal

Hello! Hotty,
in UOI, we had been given a paper about the changes, causes, effects and human response about changing shorelines. We need to complete the changes, causes and effects first. We ask about thwe human response with oiur parents and we need to discuss the human response with our parents. We do the changes, causes and effects when we watch the power point in Mr. Perico's laptop. Mr. J help Mr. Perico by showing some pictures about changing shorelines. After Mr. J shows some pictures about chsnging shorelines, we put some cahnges, causes and effects in our paper. The thing that I learn is, waves can left behind some rocks when the waves hit the land. That is what I do in UOI today and what I learn in UOI, goodbye!

Jumat, 18 April 2008

Learning Log

Hi! Hotty,
in English, I made an explanatory text about changing shorelines individually. I need to put our own heading and sub-heading. I can also illustrate to explain it clearly to a grade 4 students or a 9-10 year old child. Everything is going smoothly because I wrote all the explanation first with a pencil and, write it again in a colored pencil so there will be no more errors. The feedback of my buddy is the meaning of the shoreline is not clear to him and Mr. Perico think so too.

Senin, 14 April 2008


Hi! Hotty,
this is my reflection in the afternoon.

In the computer room, we had time to finish our introduction, causes and the pictures. But, we can't finish the effects and ending credits for our slide. We got pictures from the internet google images. We had collected all the pictures that we need completely. The problem that occurred is the computer is hanged, but, Pak. Fredi fix it for a while. My strength in making a movie is, I can put pictures and import pictures and videos. My weakness on making a movie is, I didn't know well about the things for the animation. That is my reflection, bye!

Minggu, 13 April 2008

Learning Log

Hello! Hotty,
this is my learning log before......

Math: In math, we did an assessent in identifying angles. We had an assessment because Mr.Perico wants to know how mech we learnt in angles. After we did the assessment, we went through our math booklet and we did the exercise.

English: In english, we continued doing our own explanatory text about cloning. We revised our explanatory text and changed the wrong information that we wrote. We were also given an self-assessment paper and peer assessment. We chicked our work first in the self-assessment paper. Before doing that we have to read our explanatory text first than, we did our self-assessment. After we did the self-assessment, we found a partner to read our explanatory text and gave a comment/feedback.

UOI: In UOI, Mr.Perico explained the causes and effects first before we did our group research on shorline's change. After the explanation, we did our group research adn added something that has not been added yet.

That is the learning log I did before, bye!

Sabtu, 12 April 2008

My Learning Log

Hello! Hotty,
yesterday, we had a field trip to Batu Besar. Our Purpose in going to Batu Besar is to investigate about causes and effects of changing shore lines. The profile that I demonstrated is risk-taker, because I am scared of climbing the rocks because it is slippery but, I took the risk to climb the rocks. This is how it looks like to be an inquirer and knowledgeable in a field trip, I have questions in my mind if i am an inquirer and if I am knowledgeable, I can explain the things that learn. I need to develop the profile of caring because I have to help others to do things like climbing rocks in Batu Besar.

In English, I write these plans. My plan for revising my explanatory text is, I need to add the boldface in my explanatory text. I need to explain the section well too. After that, I will read again my work.That is it, bye!

Rabu, 09 April 2008

Field trip Journal

Hello! Hotty,
in the field trip, we went to Batu Besar. We went to Batu Besar because, we want pictures and we need to draw an observational drawing. We took pictures because we want to know what is the changes. We make an observational drawing because, we want to compare which has the exact copy with the picture. In our drawing, we have to add details like, the house that is far away and trees that is far away. We also wright about the changes, causes and effect. We notice that the rocks are disappearing because of the waves and the water level, that is the changes. After we took pictures and we finished our observational drawing, we went back to the school. The thinks I learn there is, the rocks can be disappeared and water level can rise up. That is what I learn today, bye!

Senin, 07 April 2008

Monday Journal

Hello! Hotty,
in UOI, we research about our own topic. My topic is about cracks and fissures. Examples of my friends research, Budiman is researching about bats life cycle, Alvianto is researching about grasshopper life cycle. Before we do our research, we have to make our own storyboard first to organize our research, that is before. Now, we are researching our own research in the computer. Some have laptops like, me Cassandra, Abigail, Eugene, Insan and Ari. They all have laptops. My strength of researching is, I can summarize what I have research through these days or weeks. My weakness of researching is, I don't know to many websites so, I went to google only. That is what we do today in UOI, goodbye!

Minggu, 06 April 2008

Sunday Journal

Hello! Hotty,
this Sunday, is the most bestest Sunday ever because........... my mother karaoke have opened, Yaaaay! So, I can play internet always and I can do my homework at my mother internet and not in my home. You all need to go to my mother's family karaoke and internet OK? If you agree, I have a better news for my best friend. It is about my old best friend, the one that play with me always at grade 1 until grade 3. His name is....... LIONAL! It is my best friend friend too, I mean it is their best friend too. I played with Lional in my mother's internet and I have a lot of fun in there. After we played together, Lional went home and I went to room 2 to sing with cousin and my younger sister. It is fun but, we have to go home now so we can't sing again, but well, we still can sing together at Saturday and Sunday or any other weekends or holiday. After I went home, I do my homework immediately because I have to sleep for the next day of class. So, that is it for today life, goodbye and goodnight! And one thing, please support my mother's karaoke especially Mr.Perico, introduse Mr.Perico's friends to go to our family karaoke and internet. Ok, GOODNIGHT!

Rabu, 02 April 2008

Wednesday Journal

Hi! Hotty,
in UOI, we continue with our research in the computer room. I use my laptop because is can use it for internet now and I have my folder. I do a research about Iceland fissures and cracks, I also research about Japan's fissures and cracks. After we do our research but some didn't finish it yet, Mr. Perico teach us how to make a video. We watch a video that is so funny that everyone is laughing. Mr. Perico said that we have to make our own video using the videos from the sgiaserver that Pak. Fredi has put it too. We practice to make a video but that is not the real one. That is what we do in UOI, goodbye!