Senin, 07 April 2008

Monday Journal

Hello! Hotty,
in UOI, we research about our own topic. My topic is about cracks and fissures. Examples of my friends research, Budiman is researching about bats life cycle, Alvianto is researching about grasshopper life cycle. Before we do our research, we have to make our own storyboard first to organize our research, that is before. Now, we are researching our own research in the computer. Some have laptops like, me Cassandra, Abigail, Eugene, Insan and Ari. They all have laptops. My strength of researching is, I can summarize what I have research through these days or weeks. My weakness of researching is, I don't know to many websites so, I went to google only. That is what we do today in UOI, goodbye!

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