Rabu, 28 November 2007

My Online Diary

Dear hot Hotty,
at lunch, I play ping pong with Alvianto, Budiman and Eugene, we started playing when Budiman and Alvianto are playing ping pong, so I joint in. After they play we change player because it will be fair so I battle Eugene and then, we change again until I want to use hands to play ping pong because I want to try like Jackie Chan. Then, I am team with Budiman and Alvianto team with Eugene.After we play, we eat our lunch then, ah! I am so tired now, we'll talk tommorow, bye bye!

Selasa, 27 November 2007

My Online Diary

Dear cool Hotty,
at the morning, Mr.Perico was in class but after it was homeroom time, Mr.Perico went downstairs to have a workshop because someone came from a famous country to have a meeting I think. Then, Mr.Ernas went to our class to give us the instruction in English UOI. When it is Math time, Mrs.Maryan did not came to our class because she is also at downstair to have a meeting so, Mr.Ernas gave us an activity about fraction that is in Math. After the Math activity, we went to art class because our subject is art then, we go back to our class to get our bag because we have to go to lunch. Ah! I'm tired now, bye bye!

Senin, 26 November 2007

My Online Diary

Dear Hotty,
at UOI, we talk about the summative task and it is about...... I can't tell you because Mr.Perico said so and we also make our group to talk about......... I also can't tell you, ah! just talk about something else emmmmm........ oh ya! at math, we have a work to do and it is all about fractions because we need to assess ourselve and after we do the work, we need to do another work again..... and after the work again, we have a worksheet to do and we pass it to Kennedy..... Oh! I want to play games now, da da!

Minggu, 25 November 2007

My Online Diary

Dear cool Hotty,
     today, I woke up at 10;30 because yesterday I housewent to my aunty's new house and after I go to my aunty'shouse, I go back to my house to watched DVD with my sister, so I woke up late, that's all, goodbye!

Sabtu, 24 November 2007

My Favourite Online Diary

Dear Hotty,
today, i went to BCS because my grandfather and grandmother want to eat at a restaurant and the restaurant name is....... I don't know but the food there is very nice especially the three colour porridge.The three colour porridge ahs three kinds of egg and the egg is roast egg, sour egg and black egg.After we eat finish, we go to the buddha church to fetch my cousin and after we fetch our cousin in the buddha church, we go to my uncle's house because my cousin want to go there.Then, we go to my another uncle's house to have my course.After I take my course..... OOPS! I have to do my UOI homework, bye!

Kamis, 22 November 2007

My Online Diary

Dear Hotty,
at lunch time, we play soccer because it is on the schedule.At the soccer field, we have a team, the team is 4P battle4B and at 4B's team, the players in 4P's is me, Hendri, Vincent, Budiman, Eugene, Insan, Kennedy, Boon New and other's but except for Hafizh and the players in 4B is Daniel, Christopher and other's but except for Boon New.It is so little so Hafizh joint them and Boon New joint our team.When we play, our group kipper is Budiman and the rest they go front to play but I just play a little.When we are playing, Trent came and he joint the 4B's group.After we play, we change our shirt and eat.OH MY GOD! I have to eat now, see yah!

Rabu, 21 November 2007

My Online Diary

Dear Hotty,
in English, we continue with our paragraph but I am finish. So, I give it to Ari to check my work and to give the two star and a wish. Ari give it to me then Eugene came because he don't have any partner to check his work so Ari exchange it with my book.After we do all that, we go to the computor rom to type our paragraph in a microsoft word at recess time.Ok! thats it, I want to play games, da da!

Selasa, 20 November 2007

At Home

Dear Hotty,
at home, I do my homework about math and leader autobiography.I am a little bit confuse about my homework because I can't find the answer but, at last I found the answer.Huh! sorry to write this boring sentence for you.

My Favourite Online Diary About UOI At School

Dear handsome Hotty,
at school, we continue our group work about "Modern Forms of Government".We find some features about our unit but I think Mirai and Hafizh are not participating so I remind them.After we finish our work, Mr.Perico give an assessment about "The Modern Forms of Government" and I give it to my seatmate for checking my work.After that, Mr.Perico paste our work at the front of the whiteboard.We discuss about our features about our unit and we also talk about some countries that are still using this form of government like Democracy, Monarchy, Communism, Dictatorship and Theocracy.After we discuss our work, Mr.Perico give us another assessment about our unit too and after I'm finish, I give it to my seatmate for checking my work again.After our assessment, Mr.Perico give us a homework about tha leaders autobiography and we write it on our diary.Then , I go for my club and it is badminton club.Oh! sorry to waste your time, goodbye.
From your master:Hendro Rahardjo

Senin, 19 November 2007

My Favourite Online Diary About My Fieldtrip

Dear Hotty,
at school, we go to the Walikota office using a school bus.We watch a slide show about Batam.We have a free food and we ask questions about Batam because it is related to our UOI unit and it is about Government.After that, we go to Otorita Batam office to ask questions, before that we watch a slide show that is related to our UOI unit too.After we ask questions, we go back to our bus becase we have to go back to our school to have our lunch.

Minggu, 18 November 2007

My Online Diary

Dear hot Hotty,
today, it is a little boring because at the morning, I just play computor games in my laptop but, I still feel very happy, you know why? because I stiil can play with my new games that I had download in my laptop.After I play with my games, I have to eat but, I don't like the food because it is the same as yesterday so I just eat a little than play again.My mother ask me to prepair to go to course but I just play for a while.

Sabtu, 17 November 2007

My Favourite Online Diary

Dear handsome Hotty,
today, I went to Hendri's house My friend at school, his house has many stairs, so I got confuse where do we go .His mother is kind and young because she ask me politely and his father is like a gentleman because he is similar with the gentleman.His sister is so fashionable because she likes shopping for things.At my friend house we do our homework together and we play together if we have time.

Jumat, 16 November 2007

My Online Diary

Dear hot Hotty,
at playing time, we play dodge ball, but they're some problems when we play dodge ball. The problems is when we are playing, Vincent mad at Nael than Vincent kick the ball to Nael but Budiman is at the front of Nael so Budiman golt hit by the ball at his stomach really hard then, Budiman cried and Vincent say sorry to Budiman the first time but Budiman ignore Vincent apology so Vincent say sorry to Budiman once again then Budiman accept his apology.

Kamis, 15 November 2007

My Online Diary

Dear cool Hotty,
when I am at school, I'm really confused with my work about Communism because yesterday I have save my slideshow in my flash disk, but when I open it today at the morning I can't open my file at my flash disk so I open datamaster to see my slideshow, but it is not my save file, but after all I can do it at school.Oh ya!!! I forget to talk about my teamwork with Ari is at recess, we stay at class because we are finding the leader are called in the Communism country and about the role of the leader in the Communism country.

Today, at math we sing a new song that Mrs.Maryan had create and we can sing it very well because Mrs.Maryan teach us how to sing that song, we also use lot of cube to make a proper fraction.

Rabu, 14 November 2007

My Online Diary

Hi Hotty,
at school I learn to put a background and the hyperlink.We make our slide show about Communism country.

Senin, 12 November 2007

My Online Diary

Hi Hotty,
at school I learnt that we have to be independent towards our work so we can learn more things at school.

My learning about Government

I learnt that democracy has two mqain types and it's parliamentary democracy and presidential republic, I leant also that in each country, they have their own style and I also learnt that a president can appoint a friend to help him.

Kamis, 08 November 2007

My Online Diary

In UOI subject, I research about Rome leader and I find it!, it's so many that I can't read it all up so Mr.Perico give us this homework to give us more time to finish it and I thought it is a good idea to me.

Minggu, 04 November 2007

The Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing

Dear Mr.Perico,
when I listen to Mr.J reading about The Tales of the 4th Grade Nothing in chapter 2 and 3,
I realised that it is not so good to have a younger brother like Fudge because I think Fudge is so disturbing when a visitor came to chat with our parent's and I also realised that we have to behave properly when our parent's visitor came.
I like chapter 2 and 3 bacause Fudge is funny when he pretend to be a dog under their dining table.

Kamis, 01 November 2007

My Journal of Judy Blume

Dear Mr.Perico,
I like chapter one because the author's tell's about the boy problem and stories.
Our moral lesson is we have to be good andlisten to your mom, dad, sister, or brother.