Kamis, 15 November 2007

My Online Diary

Dear cool Hotty,
when I am at school, I'm really confused with my work about Communism because yesterday I have save my slideshow in my flash disk, but when I open it today at the morning I can't open my file at my flash disk so I open datamaster to see my slideshow, but it is not my save file, but after all I can do it at school.Oh ya!!! I forget to talk about my teamwork with Ari is at recess, we stay at class because we are finding the leader are called in the Communism country and about the role of the leader in the Communism country.

Today, at math we sing a new song that Mrs.Maryan had create and we can sing it very well because Mrs.Maryan teach us how to sing that song, we also use lot of cube to make a proper fraction.

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