Jumat, 30 Mei 2008

All My Journals That I Miss

Unit of Inquiry Reflection
I am researching about the rain forest of Amazon in Brazil. My specific topic is facts for Amazon. Some facts are, Amazon Rain forest is the biggest rain forest in the world. My difficulties in completing my research is, some words I can't understand it like, acres. My solution to solve this difficulty is to see in the dictionary. I accomplish in completing my research and I had finalize the summary in a final paper. I need to find picture to finish all my work including the final paper.
Task: Group research on 'Rain forests of the world'
In UOI, we continue in doing our final paper about our research. My research is about the facts of the Amazon Rain forest. We paste our final paper on the wall. After that, we have time to make the title for our group name on the wall. I learn the facts and other information about Amazon when we discuss our information. In the next UOI, we divide a group into a group of facts, climate and temperature, flora and fauna and threats to the rainforest. In our group, we are talking about the facts about all the rainforests in the world. My strength are, I can discuss it with my group clearly. My weaknesses are, I can't figure out that is it important.
Task: Writing a narrative with writing buddy.
In english, we continued in writing a narrative with our classroom buddy. We brainstormed ideas first and then, we will make up a narrative out of the brainstorming. After we wrote the story, we revised the story again by reading it 3 times. After we finished our story in revising, we went to the carpet and Mr.Perico share other narrative from other groups. We gave comments for other groups and Mr.Perico gave feedbacks for the too. The strength in making a narrative is, I can think great ideas. My weakness in making a narrative is, I can't combine too many ideas together.
Learning Log
UOI: In UOI, we divided ourselves into 5 groups. I went to the 3rd group, we summarized the text about climate or temperature. First, we discussed about the text about the climate. After we discuss, we highlighted the important information. We also make a mind map to explain it in the jigsaw. We went to the library to continue our summary. Our accomplishments is that, we finished our mind map and the summary in the library. We didn't finish our final paper in writing the summary because we don't have any time to do the final paper again.
Math: In math, Mr.Perico explained to us what we will do in math today. We should divide ourselves into 2 in a group. The things that we should does in math is, solved the problem steps by steps with our group or our partner. The thing that I learn is that compound units is like 2 units that is combined by 2 units. The accomplishments in our group is to complete the solution for the first problem. We didn't finish in making our own problems with solutions and no solutions.
Jigsaw Activity
After presenting our group topic to other groups, I got feedback from my peers.
According to them, my good points are.....
I explained it really well because I explain the topic well and I stick to my topic.
My presentation are base on facts because I use my own words I the articles.
My research is summarized because I summarized it with my previous group.
According to them, my points for improvement are....
I should make the sentences really sharp because some sentences are not clear for them.
I need to use some understandable sentence because my group mates didn't understand some of my research.
My goals are.....
Explaining more facts about my topic clearly. Understand my topic really well and I should discuss it with my group clearly.
This jigsaw activity is .....
Really useful for others because some people that didn't have any opportunity to present, can have the opportunity to present it in the jigsaw. We can developed our confidence because it is in a small group.
Learning Journal
Math: In math, we learned about about different kinds of measurement like: mm, cm, m and km. MM is smaller than cm. If there is one cm, there is 10 mm. CM is smaller than m and it is bigger than mm. If there is 1 m, there is 100 cm. M is bigger than cm and smaller than km. If there is 1 km, there is 1000 m. Km is bigger than m. We answer word problems about measurement. My good points are I can analyze the word problems clearly when answering word problems. My weak points are I could not measure it clearly.
English: In english, we wrote a story of our own creation. My story is about mystery in other places. My theme is about suspection and skills. My difficulty in writing the narrative is I have to create big and complicated problems for my audience to find out the solution, I have trouble in making that what I like about my story is it is some kind of a real mystery and the adventure is mysterious.
UOI: In UOI, we summarize the text about the impact of the rainforest to the planet earth. I realized that the impact of the rainforest for the planet earth is really big. It gives so much oxygen for life in earth and the needs for living things. I feel that rainforest is really helpful for our earth but we destroyed it all. I want to learn more about the impact of the rainforest when Mr. Perico showed us the power point like: Rainforest can but we have to make it first and I want to know more.
Unit of Inquiry
My difficulties in the assessment on 'Impact of Rainforest' are the following;
I can't think of better ideas.
I have problems in time management.
I think I need to.....
Analyze more about ' Impact of Rainforest'.
I feel that I did well in....
I have lot's of information in my assessment about 'Impact of Rainforest'.

Senin, 12 Mei 2008

My Monday Journal

Hello! Hotty,
today, in UOI, we share our ideas that we got these weekend and discuss it with our group. We can add more to our research or we can extend it to a longer information for us to use is our poster. Our strength in our group when we are discussing our research, we have complete information for our group and, we discuss it nicely. The weakness in our group when we are discussing is, we didn't have much resources to use in our group. We can complete our research by, doing more research in the weekends. That is for today, bye Hotty!

Minggu, 11 Mei 2008

Sunday Journal

My learning log:

UOI Tasks:
-Locating rainforests in the world
-Defining tropical rainforests
I learnt that rainforest is not only found in Asia, it is found also in other continents. I can learnt much because, I hear their explanations about the definition of the rainforest and they explain well. I can show inquirer when I have questions in my mind to ask the presenter. I also showed cooperation when, I work with my group members to idenfify the definition of a rainforest. The definitions are, it is warm, it is rich in plants and animals, it has resources for human use, it is near the equator. That is what I learnt for today activities.
In our activity on identifying geometrical figures, I found it hard in identifying that it is a rhombus or not. I also fount it hard in identifying the different geometrical shapes. The last thing that I am hard of is, to identify the measurement of the angle in the figure. In solving the problems in 18.2, some are partners. To understand it better, I have to review it with someone else, like my parents.

Jumat, 25 April 2008

Learning Log

Hello! Hotty,
UOI= In UOI, we had an experiment by group. I chose Rizqy's Group[colour change] because, he had an observable change experiment that can be seen chearly by everyone. The materials that he needed are, toothpicks, food colouring[green], bleach clear plastic glass[aqua] and water. First, he pur a half of water to the lear plastic glass, then add the food colouring[green], and the bleach, it change the colour for a second!
Math= In math, we learnt about symmetry and we continued with this activity, we had a paper that has symblys and alphabets. We had to divide it with the line of symmetry. We only had to divide the alphabets together with our partner. After we devide the alphabets, we check it together with our teacher. The thing that I learnt is,some alphabets can look like be divided by half but, if we compare it together, it is not the same.
English= In english, went to the computer room to continue our persuasive essay about our own topic. I don't have a problem about my persuasive essay becasue, I can fininsh it in time. Before I continue in doing my explanatory text in the publisher about cloning, I find pictures for my persuasive essay. After that, I start to type explanatory text about cloning and I am almost done with it. The things that I learnt is, we could choose designs for the title in the publisher.

Senin, 21 April 2008

Monday Journal

Hello! Hotty,
in UOI, we had been given a paper about the changes, causes, effects and human response about changing shorelines. We need to complete the changes, causes and effects first. We ask about thwe human response with oiur parents and we need to discuss the human response with our parents. We do the changes, causes and effects when we watch the power point in Mr. Perico's laptop. Mr. J help Mr. Perico by showing some pictures about changing shorelines. After Mr. J shows some pictures about chsnging shorelines, we put some cahnges, causes and effects in our paper. The thing that I learn is, waves can left behind some rocks when the waves hit the land. That is what I do in UOI today and what I learn in UOI, goodbye!

Jumat, 18 April 2008

Learning Log

Hi! Hotty,
in English, I made an explanatory text about changing shorelines individually. I need to put our own heading and sub-heading. I can also illustrate to explain it clearly to a grade 4 students or a 9-10 year old child. Everything is going smoothly because I wrote all the explanation first with a pencil and, write it again in a colored pencil so there will be no more errors. The feedback of my buddy is the meaning of the shoreline is not clear to him and Mr. Perico think so too.

Senin, 14 April 2008


Hi! Hotty,
this is my reflection in the afternoon.

In the computer room, we had time to finish our introduction, causes and the pictures. But, we can't finish the effects and ending credits for our slide. We got pictures from the internet google images. We had collected all the pictures that we need completely. The problem that occurred is the computer is hanged, but, Pak. Fredi fix it for a while. My strength in making a movie is, I can put pictures and import pictures and videos. My weakness on making a movie is, I didn't know well about the things for the animation. That is my reflection, bye!

Minggu, 13 April 2008

Learning Log

Hello! Hotty,
this is my learning log before......

Math: In math, we did an assessent in identifying angles. We had an assessment because Mr.Perico wants to know how mech we learnt in angles. After we did the assessment, we went through our math booklet and we did the exercise.

English: In english, we continued doing our own explanatory text about cloning. We revised our explanatory text and changed the wrong information that we wrote. We were also given an self-assessment paper and peer assessment. We chicked our work first in the self-assessment paper. Before doing that we have to read our explanatory text first than, we did our self-assessment. After we did the self-assessment, we found a partner to read our explanatory text and gave a comment/feedback.

UOI: In UOI, Mr.Perico explained the causes and effects first before we did our group research on shorline's change. After the explanation, we did our group research adn added something that has not been added yet.

That is the learning log I did before, bye!

Sabtu, 12 April 2008

My Learning Log

Hello! Hotty,
yesterday, we had a field trip to Batu Besar. Our Purpose in going to Batu Besar is to investigate about causes and effects of changing shore lines. The profile that I demonstrated is risk-taker, because I am scared of climbing the rocks because it is slippery but, I took the risk to climb the rocks. This is how it looks like to be an inquirer and knowledgeable in a field trip, I have questions in my mind if i am an inquirer and if I am knowledgeable, I can explain the things that learn. I need to develop the profile of caring because I have to help others to do things like climbing rocks in Batu Besar.

In English, I write these plans. My plan for revising my explanatory text is, I need to add the boldface in my explanatory text. I need to explain the section well too. After that, I will read again my work.That is it, bye!

Rabu, 09 April 2008

Field trip Journal

Hello! Hotty,
in the field trip, we went to Batu Besar. We went to Batu Besar because, we want pictures and we need to draw an observational drawing. We took pictures because we want to know what is the changes. We make an observational drawing because, we want to compare which has the exact copy with the picture. In our drawing, we have to add details like, the house that is far away and trees that is far away. We also wright about the changes, causes and effect. We notice that the rocks are disappearing because of the waves and the water level, that is the changes. After we took pictures and we finished our observational drawing, we went back to the school. The thinks I learn there is, the rocks can be disappeared and water level can rise up. That is what I learn today, bye!

Senin, 07 April 2008

Monday Journal

Hello! Hotty,
in UOI, we research about our own topic. My topic is about cracks and fissures. Examples of my friends research, Budiman is researching about bats life cycle, Alvianto is researching about grasshopper life cycle. Before we do our research, we have to make our own storyboard first to organize our research, that is before. Now, we are researching our own research in the computer. Some have laptops like, me Cassandra, Abigail, Eugene, Insan and Ari. They all have laptops. My strength of researching is, I can summarize what I have research through these days or weeks. My weakness of researching is, I don't know to many websites so, I went to google only. That is what we do today in UOI, goodbye!

Minggu, 06 April 2008

Sunday Journal

Hello! Hotty,
this Sunday, is the most bestest Sunday ever because........... my mother karaoke have opened, Yaaaay! So, I can play internet always and I can do my homework at my mother internet and not in my home. You all need to go to my mother's family karaoke and internet OK? If you agree, I have a better news for my best friend. It is about my old best friend, the one that play with me always at grade 1 until grade 3. His name is....... LIONAL! It is my best friend friend too, I mean it is their best friend too. I played with Lional in my mother's internet and I have a lot of fun in there. After we played together, Lional went home and I went to room 2 to sing with cousin and my younger sister. It is fun but, we have to go home now so we can't sing again, but well, we still can sing together at Saturday and Sunday or any other weekends or holiday. After I went home, I do my homework immediately because I have to sleep for the next day of class. So, that is it for today life, goodbye and goodnight! And one thing, please support my mother's karaoke especially Mr.Perico, introduse Mr.Perico's friends to go to our family karaoke and internet. Ok, GOODNIGHT!

Rabu, 02 April 2008

Wednesday Journal

Hi! Hotty,
in UOI, we continue with our research in the computer room. I use my laptop because is can use it for internet now and I have my folder. I do a research about Iceland fissures and cracks, I also research about Japan's fissures and cracks. After we do our research but some didn't finish it yet, Mr. Perico teach us how to make a video. We watch a video that is so funny that everyone is laughing. Mr. Perico said that we have to make our own video using the videos from the sgiaserver that Pak. Fredi has put it too. We practice to make a video but that is not the real one. That is what we do in UOI, goodbye!

Senin, 31 Maret 2008

Monday Journal

Hello! Hotty,
in math, we make a few rectangles to make a circle using our compass. This compass is not the compass we use for direction, it is use for making a perfect circle. We make a circle in the rectangles at least 4. After we make it, we paste the circle in an A3 paper. After we paste it nicely, we make the line and circles and names for the circles. That is what we done in math, so bye!

Minggu, 30 Maret 2008

Home Journals

Hi! Hotty,
today, I don't go to Vincent's house because my mother is busy. So, we just went to buy my sister's materials for the homework. I also went to my uncle's house because my mother say so. Today, I don't go to my course because, 
I forgot my bag and it is to late. So, I 
spent my time in my uncle's house watching movies about warriors. Ok, Bye!

Jumat, 28 Maret 2008

Learning Journal

Hello! Hotty,
in English, we will have a new unit when we finish typing our own essay. Our new unit is writing to explain, writing to explain is like a text to explain that something is happening. Our previous unit is writning to recount, persuade and entertain. Writing to recount is, a text that to tell our living. Writing to persuade is to convince people of not doing this. Writing to entertain is, to write exciting poems. That is what I learn, bye!

Rabu, 26 Maret 2008

Learning Journal

Hello! Hotty,
in UOI, we made a mind map for our whole class to learn and understand about observable change. We also give out ideas that come out from the observable change. For example, life cycle, man-made changes, climatic changes, land movement and water movement change and many other observable changes. After we put all the ideas, we went to the computer room to research about our topic that we chose like me, I chose to research about land cracks and fissures. That is all we do in Unit of Inquiry.

Senin, 24 Maret 2008

Sunday Journal

Hello! Hotty,
today, I went to Vincent house to play with him and his brother, I am happy because I can play until 4 hours at his house. We have a lot of fun playing badminton and chess at his computer room. I also install a game and musics to play and hear to. After I went home, my father didn't come back to watch movie with us because he his busy at his office. So, I just watch TV and do my journal. Ok, that is the day of me, bye-bye!

Minggu, 23 Maret 2008

Home Journals

Hi! Hotty,
today, I am so happy because I went to BCS to go for a walk and buy things needed. I also went to a restaurant to eat nyummy food. But before we proceed, I went to my uncle's house to have course on Sunday today. After I take my course, I went home to prepare myself to go to BCS together with my family. That is the story of being busy at the morning. Now, I am not busy because I still can relax but I should do my journal first than playing. That is it, GOODBYE!

Jumat, 21 Maret 2008


Hi! Hotty,
today, I am so tired because I went to Nagoya Hill with my mother to check on my mother's karaoke that is it fine or not. There is somekind of a problem and that is the sofa. The sofa doesn't fit in so we can't do anything but to wait. We wait our father to come to check it to and examine the problems that we occured. We also walk for hours but luckily, my sister and I are playing shooting rubber band to a bottle. Whoever hits the bottle fifteen times, will win. We find the bottle and the rubber band in a room and we came out of that idea on playing that. I am also lucky to win too. After we play, we check it for a while and it is all set. After we check it, we went home to relax and do my homework. That is it for today, see you on Sunday!

Rabu, 19 Maret 2008

Learning Journal

Hello! Hotty,
today, Mr.Perico read us a book about a bat called Stellaluna. Stelllaluna is a bat that separated from her mother by the owl. So, Stellaluna is stuck in a bird nest and live with them. They eat worms, grasshopper and other insects. The bat learn to do what did birds do too. But, sooner or later, the bat can fly and leave the bird nest and the bird family. After the bat left, the bat found her mother and eat more tastier food than the insects. They get the food from trees and they went out at night. They also have good eyes to see at the nighttime. The bat also invite the birds but they can't see so, they just stay at nighttime. The lesson I learn is be friends to anyone. That is it, goodbye!

Senin, 17 Maret 2008

Change Journal

Hello! Hotty,
in UOI, we study about the meaning of physical and chemical change. We found out from Mr.Perico that physical change is the change that can seen the change but, the substent will not change. For example, a water that has been put in the fridge and became ice. But, the ice still can be water if we melt the ice through the sunlight or heatness. Chemical change is, a change that can be seen but, the substent will change unlike physical change. We tried some experiments in the labotary room like, putting brown sugar in the water and the smell changed and the colour changed. It is physical change because the substent not change. That is what I learned for today, bye-bye!

Minggu, 16 Maret 2008

Home Journals

Hello! Hotty,
today, I am a little bit sad because I want to go to BCS but, my father didn't want to go there because he is tired and my mother too. The reason of my mother is it is to crowded because of the competetion. But, I still can play with my cousin because she went to our house to sleep and play with us both. We play until our room is messy and we have to fix our room immediately because of my mother. That is it, goodbye!

Jumat, 14 Maret 2008

Home Journals

Hi! Hotty,
today, I went to the school to get my report card and explain my work through my learning. I was a little bit sad because my goal is to have no 7 but I got one 7. I am dissappointed...... But, my parents is happy about my score so would not be dissappointed again. After I got my report card and explain my work through my learning, I went to Edukits with my father to buy batteries and I buy yoyos. One for me and one for my sister. I also went to eat my breakfast and my breakfast is noodles but, the noodles is different because it is longer than the noodle we eat at home. After we eat our breakfast, we went to my uncle's house because my mother wants to talk with my grandmother and grandfather. After my mother talks with my grandparents, we went home to watch TV and relax for a while before we go to eat Texas. In Texas, we eat chickens and sphagetti for me and my sister. That is it, I want to read now, see you on Sunday!!!

Rabu, 12 Maret 2008

Learning Journal

Hello! Hotty,
at English, we continue with our essay in the microsoft publisher. Before we type our essay in the publisher, we have to type it in the microsoft word to check our spelling and grammar. We also took pictures from the internet and paste it in the publisher. Before we do all of this busy things, we continue with our pre-unit assessment about changes around us. We have to colour it before we past it because Mr.Perico will paste it beside our classroom wall. When we do our pre-unit assessment, we should draw the things that we all know about it and our environments around us. That is it, bye-bye!!!^_^

Senin, 10 Maret 2008


Hi! Hotty,
at UOI, we continue our summative assessment about Riau Islands Province. Mr.Perico also give us a rubric for us to check our summative assessment and an essay to test our knowledge about our province. Essay is not like essay but to test our knowledge. Emm... that's it, goodbye!

Minggu, 09 Maret 2008

Sunday Journal

Hello! Hotty,
today, I am so bored because I don't have things to do and my mother is mad at me because yesterday, I did not obeyed her in the restaurant. But now, my mother is out of her stress. Today, I plan to go to Vincent's house to do our homework together, but, my mother is so tired and I have course so I can't go to Vincent's house today. I played with my cousin's dog when I arrived in my uncle's shop. I played with the dog until my course teacher arrived in my uncle's shop. After I take my course, I wait for my mother while playing with my cousin's dog. After my mother arrived with my dad, we went to eat fish, ray, squid and chicken. Before that, my dad got of from the car and by durians for us to eat at home. After we eat those food, we went home and I do my journal now. My dad will also teach me the math homework because I can't do it alone but some of the questions I can answer it by myself. We will also eat the durians before we sleep at 9 o'clock. It is time my dad to teach me the math homework now, see you on Monday or tomorrow!

Jumat, 07 Maret 2008

Home Journals

Hello! Hotty,
today, it is my grandfather's birthday so we will celebrate it tonight at King Ways Restaurant. My cousins will come too. I am quite happy because I can't bring my PSP to the restaurant because my mother said so. I will go to Nagoya Hill to to buy a ninja set. That's the end of the journal, see yah!!!!!

Rabu, 05 Maret 2008

Learning Journal

Hello! Hotty,
at UOI, Nabilla's uncle went to our classroom to talk about Kepri. He talk about the 4 regencies and 2 cities about their resources. The biggest resources is in Natuna regency. Natuna rich in oil and gas. Batam is rich in industries and tourism. We take notes what he said in our UOI booklet. He can't stay to long because he have to go to Karimun to talk about the tourism with the government. Me too, so goodbye!!^_^

Senin, 03 Maret 2008

Learning Journal

Hi! Hotty,
in English, we went to the computer room to edit our partner blogger and change our msitake in our journal. We also need to type our essay but we don't have time so we can't do our essay. The things I learned in English is to edit in a blogger and some elarned it too. My problem in English is I forgot my blogger account so I can't edit my blogger but at home I check it in blogger.com. Ummm.... I think that is enough, bye!!

Minggu, 02 Maret 2008

Home Journals

Hello! Hotty, today, I don't have any stories again but only one and it is I went to Vincent's house to play. Insan said that he can't come so we play by our own. I put music in my PSP thanks to Vincent. Vincent can put music in the PSP because he have a USB connector to put music. After I put music, I went to my uncle's house and went home again. That is the story, goodbye!!!

Kamis, 28 Februari 2008


Hi! Hotty,
at math, we make a group and my group is Nael and Mirai. Our task when Mr. Perico is not here, we have to answer a problem by group and after we answer the problem, we make a problem to give it to other group. When we are on the magic carpet, we noticed that there are same strategies but different numbers, and we got the same answer and how can? After we think, we still can't get it and we do it as a homework. Oh! I am tired now, see yah!!!!

Senin, 25 Februari 2008

My Learning Journal

Hello! Hotty,
today, I want to talk about my learning in UOI, English and Math. In UOI, we take out our homework about situations in Kepri. There are 3 kinds of situations in Kepri and it is Economic, Political and Geographical. We share our ideas in our group and we give feedback to our group. After we give feedback to our group, wemake a concept map about our situations. We didn't finish it because it is already time so we went to our club. In math, we have a top ten and we find out who is the winner for the prize about the voucher to a spa. After we take our top ten, we find our that Nael, Abigail, Vincent, Rizqy and Ari is the winner for the top ten. So they battle each other and if who is the first one to raise his board and have the correct answer, will get the prize. After a long time, we find out that Nael is the winner for the battle. After Nael got the prize, Mr.Perico group us into five groups and we battle each other. After the battle, Rizqy is the winner because he got the hishest point for the battle. In english, we type our essay about homework and make the layout in the MC-publisher. When we don't know how to use the MC-publisher, Mr. Perico show us how to use the MC-publisher. After we type our essay, we save it in the network and we go to music. OMG! I have to go now, see yah!

Minggu, 24 Februari 2008

My journal

Hi! Hotty,
today, I am so bored to death because I have nothing to do except play games in my PSP. But I get to eat my favourite food and it is chicken rice and the chicken. I also have mandarin course in the afternoon and I get to play with my cousin's dog. The dog's name is Maggie and have a long ears. After I took my course, I went home to do my jouranl and after doing my journal, I will read my book for the reading count. Ouch! we talk to much, goodbyeeee!!!!!!!!

Jumat, 22 Februari 2008


Hi! Hotty,
at math, we continue our work about a problem and we have to give the decimal and the whole number of 50,000 in 2 over 4 and 1 over 4. After we finish with the solution, we explain our solution by writing it on the paper that we solve. After we are finish writing the explanation, we help others like Angela, Hafizh or anybody that is not finish with the math problem. Oh my god! it is time for me to read so, see yah!

Rabu, 20 Februari 2008


Hi! Hotty,
at P.E., we have a test about table tennis and the test is like describing the ball, bat and etc. When Pak. Adi anounce the test, Pak. Adi group us, and my group is Eugene, Angela, Sallyna, Abigail and me. The leader is..... of course it is Eugene. When we are finished the description, we gave it to Pak. Adi and Pak. Adi ask us to explain what we writen. I explain the bat, Eugene explain the ball, Angela explain the table and Abigail explain the net. After we finished our explanation, we paste it on the glass because Pak. Adi say so. Ah! it is my reading time, Goodbye!

Senin, 18 Februari 2008

My Favourite Online Diary

Hello! Hooty,
at math, we have a top ten and the top ten have ten problems. My score is eight because I made some mistake. I made the mistake because the top ten is to fast[I mean the time] and we can't use the board but it is okay because it is only a training about percentage. Went we are finished with our top ten, we have a homework about percentage. Before we got the homework, Mr.Perico explain us what to do. After Mr.Perico explain the homework, we went to our club. Oh! it is time to go now, see yah!

Minggu, 17 Februari 2008

Home Journals

Hello! Hotty,
today, I went to Vincent's house because we want to do our mandarin homework together and play games. But Vincent have a prolem to put his picture map in his slide show and I help him. We play games before the homework because it is fun but we manage to finish our homework in time. When my mother fetch me, I lent my game to Vincent to complete my adventure about Pokemon. OH! it is the end of the story, goodbye!

Jumat, 15 Februari 2008

Home Journals

Hello! Hotty,
at math, we make one problem at the board and solve it with a strategy. We write it on the board because Mr. Perico will check the strategy first then we write it on a colour paper. There is a good point to to do that and the first reason is, we can be a teacher that is best in math if you want to and the second reason is, children can teach other children how to write a good problem in math. Oh! it is time to do my reading now, see you on sunday!!!!!!

Rabu, 13 Februari 2008

My Online Diary

Hello! Hotty,
today, we don't havfe any homework because we work so hard in math so Mr.Perico gave us a bonus that tere are no homework but only reading. Okay, in math, we cut a brochures and stick it on a coloured paper and we write the price of the things that we stick. We also write the percentage discount and write the solution on that paper. But before we write the solution on the paper, we write it on our board so Mr.Perico can check that wether it is right or wrong. After I am finished, I help Insan about the solutions. Ah! it is time for my reading, goodbye!

Senin, 11 Februari 2008

Journal About Author

Hi! Hotty,
today, we met an author that is good at talking and he writes children books. He is very actvie like Mr.Perico and he can tell his own stories straightaway without a single mistake. He is also good at instrument and acting his stories. His stories is famous around the world. His secret of
writing a stories is to see his surroundings that is interesting then he will about that thing. One of his story is about a coackroach and the story about the coackroach is he is brave to go out anywhere he like to go. That is the end of the journal so goodbye.

Sabtu, 09 Februari 2008

Home Journals

Hello! Hotty,
sorry that I miss two days of the journals because I went to my mother's and father's hometown and I also miss the reading count for two days. But, I also have the reason to miss the reading count and it is 1. We should celebrate chinese new year with our family.
2. We should not work to much.
That is the reason for missing my reading count.
I am so sorry!
But, I am happy because today I will go to Studio 21. So goodbye!

Selasa, 05 Februari 2008

Home Journals

Hi! Hotty,
today I am so happy because tonight we will eat big dishes like big chicken and all yummy dishes. But I am so boring to wait for tonight. I think I should shorten my journals for a few days because it is a holiday and we should celebrate with our family so goodbye!

Senin, 04 Februari 2008

Home Journals

Hello! Hotty,
today, it is as boring as yesterday because I don't have any new games anymore. So I shorten my journals through the holiday. Before I close down, I wish I can groom my room 2 because I want to make my room gorgeous like a sparlkling diamond around the room or I can decorated it with my favourite animals and it is beetles. So, please grant my wish and have a Happy Chinese New Year!

Minggu, 03 Februari 2008

Home Journals

Hi! Hotty,
today, it is such a boring day because I just install games in my PSP and I go to cut my hair and! I just go to my uncle's house to have my course and at least I can play my new games. Emmmm....... I think I don't have anything to write anymore so see yah!

Jumat, 01 Februari 2008

My Favourite Online Diary

Hello! Hotty,
today, I have a program and it is fun because there is a lion dance. When the program is finished, I went home to change my shirt because it is more comfortable to wear. After I change my clothes, I watched TV with my sister because we don't have anything to do. When we are enjoying the movie, my mother call me to wash the wall and I said okay. That is all for today. goodbye!

Rabu, 30 Januari 2008


Hi! Hotty,
today at English, we are preparing for the argument about pocket money and I am the group of against. Before we present it, yesterday we make the argument in a group and we write 7 ideas. So today, we battle with the other group and the group is for but that is not the real battle that is just only presenting our ideas to the other group and ask questions about their ideas. After we all present it, Mr.Perico gave us a thick question to answer but some of the questions we didn't answer it so Mr.Perico gave us a homework to convince Mr.Perico that we should not earn our own money but some of the students chose we agrre to earn our own money. So we do it at home. Okay Hotty! that is all for today, see you next time!

Senin, 28 Januari 2008

My Favourite Online Diary

Hi! Hotty,
at English, we write a letter to Mr.Ken to be shouldn't cancelling the lunchtime play. The new word that we learn today is persuade and it is mean to suggest or ask someone to do that. Some finished it in a few minutes and some do it in 2 hours. After we write the letter, we are given the photocopy of the information about Kepri and we highlight in the afternoon, we highlight the important information. We learned that there are 4 regencies and 2 cities. The four regencies are Bintan, Karimun, Natuna and Lingga. The two cities are Batam and Tanjung Pinang. We also learned that the province, is bigger than the cities and cities are bigger than the community or village. The question is, why does there are 8 province in the Riau province and the answer is in the map. We have a homework and we have to print the articles or informations about the Kepri that is sent by Mr.Perico through our e-mail. It is time for me to read now, see yah!

Minggu, 27 Januari 2008

Home Journals

Hi! Hotty,
today I have a tiring day because I need to do my homework about the 7 continents in the " Pop-up" book. Before I do my homework, I take a bath and drink water then I write the informations in the " Pop-up" book. When I write halves of it, I went to the internet to do my blogger but the internet is not working so my father call the technical to fix the internet when I continue my homework. After it is fix I try and it is back to normal again. I have to do my now, see yah!

Kamis, 24 Januari 2008

My Favourite Online Diary

Hi! Hotty!
at UOI, we make our pop-up book for our research but some of the students didn't do their homework about the 7 continents or unacceptable. I can do my pop-up book because I do my homework, we make the title first before the information but we talk about jokes and it is to many jokes so we didn't finish our work on time. Okay! I need to research now, see yah!

Rabu, 23 Januari 2008

My Favourite Online Diary

Hello! Hotty,
at math, we have to bring our card that we made but, I did't bring my folder and the cards because I forgot to put it in my bag. But I only bring my math game. So Hazell also didn't bring her card at home so we are partner. When our friends play the cards, Mr.Perico ask us to write 5 problems to our partner so I write to Hazell and she write to me and some of my problems are easy to solve. After our friends are done but few, they introduce their game that they made at home and can't share it because it is time for P.E. Ok! I need to research the 7 continent now, so see you tomorrow!

Senin, 21 Januari 2008

My Online Diary

Hi! Hotty!
is it fun today? Oh! I am sure you have a great time. Today, we have a new unit and it is about our continent itself. at Bahasa Indonesia ad IPS, we also learn about that so it is the same. We know that Batam is in Riau and Singapore is different. We made a map of Riau and the country and I like my unit today. Oh well! I have nothing to say anymore, so, see yah!

Jumat, 18 Januari 2008

My Online Diary

Hello! dear diary or Hotty,
today, we continue with our work and I and Rizqy do the sample that Mr.Perico wants to present it as an example so, we continue it but Rizqy haven't done it yet but I have. I didn't go for break to finnish my work and that is fun and you know why? because I like writing, correct! and that is all for today, bye!

Kamis, 17 Januari 2008

My Online Diary

Hi! Hotty,
do you have any fun today? today, I am so happy because, when I submit my poem this morning about the sun, Mr.Perico read it and said that this is a brilliant poem and I am honest that I made it by myself. The other is, we got a new stationery for semester 2 and we have no homework too but except for reading and blogger. The last one is, we all got a yummy and delicious cocolate. But, I didn't got to many cocolate but it is OK. Oh! it is time to read now, see you tomorrow!

Rabu, 16 Januari 2008

My Online Diary

Dear Hotty,
today, before I went home, I went to BCS because my sister wants to buy a new shoes for the chinese new year but we can't find it so I buy a new ring and necklace for the chinese new year. After that, we went to Top 100 to buy my sister shoes but at last, we find the right pair. Oh my! I have to read now, see yah!

Senin, 14 Januari 2008

My Online Diary

Hello! Hotty,
it is fun being in school today because the after school activity is badminton and I could play it very well but the thing is, I can't hit the ball at the back that is really long. Before we play badminton, we are warming up first so that we could hit the ball stronger and there is lot of fun. Oh! I have to eat now, see you tomorrow!

Jumat, 11 Januari 2008

My Online Diary

Dear Hotty,
In library time, I borrowed these two books and it is The Donkey on the Sands and Pet Birds. I borrowed The Donkey on the Sands because I like the story and there is many stories to read, I borrowed Pet Birds because I like animals and the drawings. Oh well! I have to do my profile now, see you tomorrow!

Kamis, 10 Januari 2008

My Online Diary

Hi! Hotty how are you? This morning, I play internet for three hours and my mother was mad at me to play internet to long and my cousin is here to because yesterday, she went to our house to sleep. But now, it is really a boring and a boring day and I don't like it. At night, we when to BCS but my cousin went home so me, my sister, my mother and my father went to BCS together to install games in my PSP but the computer hasn't fix yet so we ate at Godiva. Oh! it is time to sleep now, goodnight!

Rabu, 09 Januari 2008

My Online Diary

你好吗?, that is mandarin word and it mean's how are you?. OK, OK, I will stop joking and by the way, at lunch, we play monkey and the rule is if someone be the monkey, the rest will throw the ball to the other player and the reminder is, if you throw the ball to a player and the monkey has catch it and the player that throw the ball will be the monkey. When we are playing, I didn't be a monkey because I always be careful to throw the ball to who. Okay now, I have to read now, see yah!

Senin, 07 Januari 2008

My Online Diary

Dear Hotty,
at English, we talk about our holiday at Batam View Hotel and I could hear everyone stories about their holidays. It is break time and we eat at the classroom, after we eat, Mr.Perico has a chart that has a list that what we have to do and we do it but, some of the work is unfinished so we will continue it in UOI period. The unfinished work is the letter to Mr.Perico and the chart about the strenghts, weaknesses and how to improve the conference and it is about the 3-way Conference. OK! that is for today, GOODBYE!

Minggu, 06 Januari 2008

My Holiday

Dear Hotty,
In 25 December, it is my parent's anniversaryday and my parent's went to Pacific Hotel. They slept there for 1 night so I stayed in house with my grandparent's and my cousin. My cousin went to my house because my parent's went out.The next day, My mother an father came back from the hotel then my cousin went home.

IN 31 December, we went to Batam Resort Hotel because we will go to a beach party and to see tha fireworks in Singapore, Before the day to go to the hotel, we buy things that we need to go to the hotel, when we are ready, we prepared our clothes and other things that we buy. To go to the hotel, it is really a long way, when we arrived at the hotel, my father got the key to go in to the room and when we went inside, it is gorgeous inside and I can see
Singapore there!After we rest a while, we went swimming!Yay!Then we went to the 
room to take a bath and after we bath, we
went to the beach partyto eat and see the fireworks but before we eat, my father
gave the tickets to the people and we get 
gift like whistles, little trumpet and 
other things in a party. Then I and my 
father got food to eat but some of the 
food is uncooked and it is so awful.....
After we eat, we saw the fireworks at the sky but it is just a little. OK! I need to fix my books now, see yah!